5P programme

5P programme

The 5P stands for: care, help, friendship, prevention, and support

How does the 5P work?

The 5P is one of the voluntary programmes based on a “one to one” principle. Regularly once a week, one adult volunteer takes care of one child who needs his / her help. In this way, a long–lasting friendly relationship, representing for both children and volunteers an immense benefit in the areas of personal development and interpersonal relations, is being developed.

Who is the programme for?

All children aged between 6 to 15 who could anyhow benefit from another relationship with an adult person. A parents’ agreement is needed for the participation of a child in the programme.

Who is a volunteer in the 5P programme?

Volunteers are people who want to help someone else. They are carefully chosen and professionally prepared for the programme. One of the requirements is to be aged above 18. A volunteer is in permanent contact with professionals who are in charge of the programme and who help a volunteer to solve any eventual problems.

More information about the programme abroad can be found at